Author Archives for bfhi

Baby-Friendly e-Newsletter : Breastfeeding – We Care (Oct 2020)(Chinese Version Only)

October 16, 2020 12:00 pm Published by Comments Off on Baby-Friendly e-Newsletter : Breastfeeding – We Care (Oct 2020)(Chinese Version Only)

請 按此 下載 PDF全文版本(包括圖像、參考資料 及 相關網頁)   母乳媽媽戒口的迷思:濕疹篇   作者:謝嘉雯中醫師 (香港中醫管理委員會註冊中醫師、公立醫院母乳義工)   陳太的寶寶出生時像粉團,又軟又滑,但兩個月後,陳太發現孩子臉上出現散在的紅斑或丘疹。因為癢,寶寶表現出煩躁哭鬧,睡眠欠安。嚴重時,兩頰更出現大片紅斑、水皰、甚至流黃水,看醫生診斷為「濕疹」。 家人朋友見狀,紛紛問媽媽是否吃錯什麼東西,是否餵人奶時把「濕疹」過了給寶寶,甚至明示暗示,希望陳太停餵母乳。 左一句右一句,令陳太既擔心寶寶狀況,身心亦承受不少壓力。   媽媽吃什麼 = BB吃什麼? 臨床上,中醫師常收到媽媽以下提問: 1......

The Baby-Friendly e-Newsletter – Freshly Served

June 1, 2020 12:00 pm Published by Comments Off on The Baby-Friendly e-Newsletter – Freshly Served

Baby Friendly Watch We are honoured to invite Dr Annie Fok Oi-ling, FHKAM(Paediatrics), the BFMCHC Co-ordinator from the Family Health.....

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Breastfeeding

May 10, 2020 9:00 am Published by Comments Off on Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Breastfeeding

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Breastfeeding –from World Health Organization (WHO):   Q&A Can COVID-19 be passed through breastfeeding? Transmission of.....

Graduates of the Professional Peiyue (Breastfeeding) Certificate Course who have been awarded “Certificate of Passing”

October 28, 2019 9:01 am Published by Comments Off on Graduates of the Professional Peiyue (Breastfeeding) Certificate Course who have been awarded “Certificate of Passing”

Graduates of the Professional Peiyue (Breastfeeding) Certificate Course who have been awarded “Certificate of Passing” are listed in the below link: