Category:Latest News

Baby-Friendly e-Newsletter : Infant and Toddler Feeding Case Files (March 2023)

(如欲閱讀此文章的中文版本,請 按此) Please click here to download the PDF version of the whole article with images. The preview is at the bottom of this webpage.   Improving Weight Gain in Premature Babies with Fat-rich Breastmilk   Ms Wong Ka Yin APN, IBCLC, Trainer (WHO BF course)   Content Highlight Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD),... Read More


Launch of the 2023 Lancet Series on Breastfeeding, including the influence of commercial milk formula marketing–including-the-influence-of-commercial-milk-formula-marketing Join Richard Horton, Editor in Chief of the Lancet and a panel of experts for a live event at the Royal Society of Medicine, as they unpack a new three-paper Lancet Series which explores how the value of breastfeeding is wasted by government and public health, and exploited by... Read More


Baby-Friendly e-Newsletter : Infant & Young Child Feeding and Nutrition in Perspective (Jan 2023)

(如欲閱讀此文章的中文版本,請 按此 ) Please click here to download the PDF version of the whole article with images. The preview is at the bottom of this webpage.   Breastfeeding and Vitamin D Dr. FUNG, Ka Wai MBChB (CUHK) Introduction While breastfeeding is considered the most preferred and nutritious food source for infants and young... Read More


Baby-Friendly e-Newsletter : Baby Friendly Watch (December 2022)

(如欲閱讀此文章的中文版本,請 按此 ) Please click here to download the PDF version of the whole article with images. The preview is at the bottom of this webpage.   The Implementation of an Evidence-based Project on Rooming-in Practice in a Private Hospital   Ms LING Chui Sze, Tracy Tracy is a Registered Nurse/Midwife and a Lactation Consultant... Read More


Baby-Friendly e-Newsletter : Breastfeeding – We Care (Oct 2022)(Chinese Version Only)

Please click here to download the PDF version of the whole article with images. The preview is at the bottom of this webpage.   This page is only available in Traditional Chinese, please click here to continue  
