
Breastfeeding seminar & workshop 2021 (Chinses version only)

Please refer to the Chinese version.


Baby-Friendly e-Newsletter : Infant & Young Child Feeding and Nutrition in Perspective (July 2022)

(如欲閱讀此文章的內容摘錄中文版本,請 按此 ) Please click here to download the PDF version of the whole article with images. The preview is at the bottom of this webpage.   Breastfeeding During the COVID-19 Pandemic   Dr. FUNG, Ka Wai MBChB (CUHK)   Introduction SARS-CoV-2 is a single-stranded RNA-encapsulated virus causing Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The... Read More


Baby-Friendly e-Newsletter : Baby Friendly Watch (June 2022)

(如欲閱讀此文章的中文版本,請 按此 ) Please click here to download the PDF version of the whole article with images. The preview is at the bottom of this webpage.   Pursuing the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative – From the Public to the Private Hospital   Ms Grace Hui Wan Kam Nursing Manager, Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong   I... Read More


HKCOG advice on Covid-19 vaccination in pregnant and lactating women(interim;updated on 6 May 2022)

The  Hong  Kong  College  of  Obstetricians  and  Gynaecologists  advice  on  COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant and lactating women (interim; updated on 6 May 2022) Click here to view in Youtube  


Breastfeeding Advice on COVID-19

Joint Statement to Appeal to Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women to Receive COVID-19 Vaccination   The Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists advice on COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant and lactating women (interim; updated on 6th May 2022)   Breastfeeding Advice during Quarantine (from Centre for Health Protection, Department... Read More
