
UNICEFHK: SayYes to Breastfeeding Photo Campaign & Competition for WBW2022

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Baby-Friendly e-Newsletter : Breastfeeding – We Care (Apr 2022)(Chinese Version Only)

Please click here to download the PDF version of the whole article with images. The preview is at the bottom of this webpage.   This page is only available in Traditional Chinese, please click here to continue  


Baby-Friendly e-Newsletter : Infant and Toddler Feeding Case Files (March 2022)

(如欲閱讀此文章的中文版本,請 按此 ) Please click here to download the PDF version of the whole article with images. The preview is at the bottom of this webpage.   Management of Breast Engorgement in the Early Postpartum Period   Ms Ip Sek Lan Iris RN, RNM, IBCLC, Trainer (WHO BF course) Department of Nursery St. Paul's... Read More


Baby-Friendly e-Newsletter : Infant & Young Child Feeding and Nutrition in Perspective (Jan 2022)

(如欲閱讀此文章的中文版本,請 按此 ) Please click here to download the PDF version of the whole article with images. The preview is at the bottom of this webpage.   Common Radiological Investigations and Breastfeeding: Frequently Asked Questions   Dr. CHEN, Way Loon Jonathan, MBChB (CUHK) Dr. CHIU, Tung Milly, MBBS (HK) Dr. CHEUNG, Claudia, MBBS (HK),... Read More


Baby-Friendly e-Newsletter : Baby Friendly Watch (December 2021)

(如欲閱讀此文章的內容摘錄中文版本,請 按此 ) Please click here to download the PDF version of the whole article with images. The preview is at the bottom of this webpage.   Ensuring Staff Competency to Support Breastfeeding   Dr Patricia Ip Chairperson, Committee on Designation of Baby-Friendly Health Facilities, Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Hong Kong Association (BFHIHKA)  ... Read More
