Queen Elizabeth Hospital – Baby-Friendly Hospital Designation Ceremony (27 August 2016)
Congratulations to Queen Elizabeth Hospital for having become the first Baby-Friendly Hospital in Hong Kong! This achievement marks an important milestone in Hong Kong’s odyssey towards reviving the breastfeeding culture.
In the past few years, we are delighted to witness positive changes in the social environment which has become more supportive of breastfeeding. The general public is much more aware of the values of breastfeeding and the needs of mothers and babies, thanks to the strengthened public education. Pioneered by the public sector, breastfeeding friendly workplace and public place policies and practices are steadily taking root in the community. As we come to celebrate the remarkable achievement of Queen Elizabeth Hospital and the many positive changes, we do not forget the society still abounds with tangible or intangible hurdles to breastfeeding. In this long and arduous journey to promote, protect and support breastfeeding, the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative Hong Kong Association undertakes to remain a staunch partner for years to come.