
The year 2023 marks an important milestone in the history of breastfeeding promotion in Hong Kong. All 8 hospitals with maternity service under the Hospital Authority (HA) have been designated Baby-friendly Hospitals (BFH), while all Maternal and Child Health Centres (MCHCs) of the Department of Health (DH) have been or are in the pipeline for being designated Baby-friendly MCHCs.  Two private hospitals are also at different stages of BFH designation.

As the systems for breastfeeding education and training for healthcare professionals in both the HA and DH become well established, the knowledge that we intend to promulgate through the newsletter series Infant and Young Child Feeding and Nutrition in Perspective, and Infant and Toddler Feeding Case Files appears somewhat superfluous.  We consider it timely to scale down the newsletters.

From 2024 onwards, we will only continue to publish the newsletter series Baby Friendly Watch and Breastfeeding – We Care. There will be 4 publications per year, two of each series.  To facilitate the process of continuous quality improvement in the Baby-friendly Health Facilities, Baby Friendly Watch will focus on sharing the good policies and practices of Baby-friendly hospitals and MCHCs at the management level.  On the other hand, Breastfeeding – We Care will continue to provide an open platform for mothers and families to share experiences in their breastfeeding journeys. These experiences may not only benefit other families but also inform healthcare professionals of their views and needs.

We hope you will continue to support our newsletters and find inspirations from the messages.


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From 2024 onwards, the Baby Friendly e-newsletter focuses on two key themes. Upon subscription, you will receive 4 publications of the following 2 series in a year.  Each series is written with a specific target group of readers in mind and tailored to their specific needs and interests.  However, other reader groups may also find these interesting or useful.

Baby Friendly Watch

Baby Friendly Watch invites healthcare professionals and administrators to contribute insights, strategies, and innovative ideas aimed at improving standards and practices within Baby-Friendly healthcare facilities.

Breastfeeding – We Care

Breastfeeding – We Care serves as a space for families to share personal stories and challenges from their breastfeeding journeys, fostering connection and support.


To access past issues of the following 2 series published between 2017 and 2023, please click the corresponding links below:

Infant & Young Child Feeding and Nutrition in Perspective

This series targets health professionals caring for pregnant mothers, infants and young children.  It aims to provide scientific updates on infant and young child feeding practices, foods and food products.

Infant & Toddler Feeding Case Files

This series targets health professionals who look after breastfeeding mothers & babies, as well as infants and children in transitional (complementary) feeding.  It aims to provide scientific and practical knowledge of counselling breastfeeding and transitional feeding.