

02-09-2024 實施愛嬰護理 培育早產兒 第18期
18-03-2024 基督教聯合醫院全方位支援母乳餵哺
16-10-2023 Implementation of Oral Dextrose Gel in the Management of Neonatal Hypoglycaemia第16期
01-06-2023 愛嬰醫院重新認證 - 一個持續的旅程第15期
01-12-2022 The Implementation of an Evidence-based Project on Rooming-in Practice in a Private Hospital (中文版本 - 在私立醫院實施循證的母嬰同室計劃)第14期
01-06-2022 愛嬰行動─ 從公立醫院走到私家醫院 第13期
01-12-2021 Ensuring Staff Competency to Support Breastfeeding (文章內容摘錄中文版本 - 確保員工有能力支持母乳餵哺) 第12期
01-06-2021 Obstetricians: Buckle Down and Go the Extra Mile (文章內容摘錄中文版本 - 產科醫生︰努力邁進)第11期
01-12-2020 Initiating and Maintaining Breastfeeding and Managing Common Difficulties: Implementation and Monitoring 第10期
01-06-2020 A Journey to the Designation of Baby-Friendly Maternal and Child Health Centres 第9期
02-12-2019 在新生兒護理病房中實踐「愛嬰行動」 第8期
12-07-2019 The Spirit of Being Baby-friendly第7期
13-03-2019How a Hospital Facilitates Skin-to-skin Contact in the Operation Theatre following Cesarean Birth第6期
15-11-2018Implementation Guidance on the Revised Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative (WHO & UNICEF, 2018)第5期
13-07-2018What we can do more to promote 24-hour rooming-in in the
private hospital

22-03-2018 Supporting Mothers to Establish and Sustain Breastfeeding: the Role of an Expert Infant Feeding Team in Kwong Wah Hospital
20-11-2017 Working towards Baby-friendliness: Why and How?第2期
17-07-2017 Baby Friendly Hospital – Why Me? 第1期